ygafmin tarafından 8 Mart 2023 tarihinde English Poems kategorisine eklendi.
Yazıyı okuyan kişi sayısı 90 ve yorum yapan kişi sayısı Yorum Yapılmadı.
Yes Dad, I bought flowers
I know it’s early
But I wanted you to have them for Father’s Day
Unlike last year when there weren’t any
They’re purple and white; appropriate for yr surroundings
The silence of the cemetery is deafening
This time, I won’t cry
Can we talk for a while?
I hope you’re not still angry
Like you were in that dream I had
A couple of days ago
Although, I can’t shed anymore tears
I will never stop thinking of you
I still yr little girl; the apple of yr eye
I miss you very much
Do you miss me?
LeeAnn Azzopardi